Mother’s Health and Wellness: No Matter Her Age

Mother's Health and Wellness: No Matter Her Age
Mother’s Day is approaching and we appreciate the breakfast in bed, the flowers and sweet gifts. However, sometimes mamas and grandmas need more. We are exhausted, our brains feel scattered in the busyness of caring for our loved ones, and we don’t take the time to replenish ourselves. Our May newsletter is packed with reasons why we feel like this and tips on how we can refill our body, minds, and spirits to meet the daily challenges as mothers and grandmothers.

Tired All The Time? It Could Be Adrenal Fatigue

All mothers experience fatigue of some sort. Night feedings, chasing after little ones, keeping up with teenagers, and helping with grandchildren can be exhausting. Usually, with some good sleep and some TLC, you can feel re-energized and ready to meet the next challenge. However, if your adrenal glands are not functioning correctly, it isn’t as easy as that. What is adrenal fatigue and what can you do about it?

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal glands are located above each kidney and our body uses them to monitor our “fight or flight” response. When we are stressed our adrenal glands release adrenaline which allows us to feel focused and alert. Our body then releases cortisol which converts protein and stored sugar (glycogen) to the energy our body needs. However, stress, especially prolonged stress, causes an adrenal gland imbalance. This is when adrenal fatigue causes the symptoms mentioned, as well as leaving our body unable to naturally release hormones or recuperate from the issues associated with chronic stress.

Mother's Health and Wellness: No Matter Her Age

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

Adrenal fatigue often occurs after the prolonged physical, mental, and/or emotional stress. Any mom can relate to that! Caretakers often tend to ignore symptoms associated with adrenal exhaustion.  Some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:

  • Brain fog
  • Weight gain
  • Insulin resistance
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Moodiness
  • Irritability
  • Hair loss
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Skin issues
  • Depression
  • Decreased libido
  • Weakened stress response
  • Food cravings
  • Insomnia.

Any sound familiar?

Ways to Combat Adrenal Fatigue

Sleep, exercise, and diet are all important to adrenal health, as well as overall wellness. Meditation and relaxation help reduce stress which can contribute to adrenal fatigue.

Some dietary steps you can take include:

  • Eating enough protein every day; grass-fed meats and sardines are excellent sources of omega 3 and omega 6 fats.
  • Including other foods in your diet such as dark leafy greens, fresh fruits, raw nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil, almonds, and bananas.
  • Avoiding sugar and caffeine as this will make the fatigue worse instead of improving.

Herbs and Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue

  • Ashwagandha; an herb used traditionally in ayurvedic healing that helps restore the balance in adrenal glands. It is also used for vitality, strength and supports normal blood sugar levels.
  • Licorice root – an herb used traditionally helps slow the breakdown of adrenal hormones in the body.
  • Schisandra – a traditional Chinese herb is used to support normal adrenal function, increase energy, reinforce Qi and reduce stress.
  • Ginseng – another popular TCM herb is used to increase physical and mental vigor while rejuvenating the adrenal glands.

Also make sure you get enough Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D, Magnesium and Potassium, all of which help with adrenal fatigue. By making small dietary changes, reducing your daily stress, and restoring balance to your hormone levels with herbs and nutrients, you can be well on your way to healing your adrenal fatigue. Get back your energy once and, once and for all, stop blaming it on “mom exhaustion”, because it could be something more!
Mother's Health and Wellness: No Matter Her Age

Busy Life Cluttering Your Mind?

Summer is halfway through and before we know it, fall will be here. The days get shorter and the to-do lists get longer. For many of us, long lists and bigger mental loads mean increased forgetfulness. Brain fog and loss of memory are more than a nuisance, as you age they can worsen. However, there are many natural ways to strengthen your memory and your brain health as you age. In addition to herbs and supplements, there are simple lifestyle changes you can make. The first one is: stop multitasking.

Stop Multitasking

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. You may feel like you are getting more done when multitasking, however, you are decreasing your memory function over time, particularly your working memory – like attention and recall. One study showed that multitasking affects the relationship between working memory and long-term memory. This reduces goal-attentive memory which made multitaskers less productive than those who focus on one task at a time. (1)

Avoid Sleep Deprivation

We all know sleep is important for our brains and many of us can get a decent sleep each night. However, some of us can experience sleep deprivation and this can severely affect memory function. Neuroscientists have a theory that sleep enables “both quantitative and qualitative changes of memory representations.” During deep sleep, memories that form in the hippocampus (short-term) and is transferred to the neocortex (long term memories). High levels of cortisol caused by stress can also disrupt the transfer. (2) Trouble sleeping? Try taking melatonin, this can support the sleep-wake-sleep cycle.

Memory Boosting Foods

Avoid eating foods high in sugar. Eat foods that can boost your memory including:

  • Avocados
  • Coconut oil
  • Blueberries
  • Chocolate
  • Beets
  • Turmeric
  • Walnuts.

Herbs and Supplements for Memory Function Support

Brain fog and reduced focus can drain your ability to remember important information. There are natural herbs that can help to improve mental focus, boost memory and increase your productivity:

  • Rosemary – memory retention, improves efficiency and helps with mental tasks.
  • Gotu kola – supports memory function and mental clarity.
  • Vacha – clear thinking, concentration, and focus.
  • Bacopa – enhances memory and increases learning ability.
  • Gingko Biloba – improves memory and attention.
  • Tulsi – improves brain circulation and supports cognitive function.

Finally, remain active with regular exercise whether that is hitting the gym or taking a walk around the block during your lunch hour can do wonders for your memory. Exercising it by doing word puzzles or math games can also be beneficial. Whatever you do, try to simplify your day overall and de-clutter your environment both physically and mentally. Shorten the to-do list and schedule time out of your busy schedule for relaxation and some fun. Your memory should be better in no time!
Mother's Health and Wellness: No Matter Her Age

Why Me Time Matters

The inside joke between mothers is the concept of “me time” and actually finding the time to take it, “Yeah right!” However, there is a tremendous amount of stress associated with the responsibilities of everyday modern life. Many people need to find the time to unwind and regroup. However, that can be harder for women, especially mothers, since they tend to play a larger nurturing role than most. This can leave them zapped for energy and exhausted with no time for themselves.

Finding time to recharge matters immensely, because feeling worn out, fatigue, and constant stress can affect physical, emotional, and mental health.

Symptoms of Burn-out

  • Exhaustion
  • Low productivity
  • Sleeping issues
  • Lack of motivation
  • Reduced enjoyment
  • Irritability
  • Negative attitudes

Finding windows of “me time” for as little as 5 minutes can reap benefits as it allows for a chance to re-focus and become present at the moment. This is crucial as women and mothers tend to multitask. Their to-do lists often place themselves last in the many tasks they have each day.  Aromatherapy and tea are quick options.  They can both help with focusing on the present moment and altering one’s mood to increase relaxation.

Calming Oils & Teas

Calming and soothing essential oils and teas are a good choice for relaxing:

Uplifting Oils & Teas

Uplifting and energizing oils choices are great for fatigue or ahead of a busy day:

Longer periods of 15-30 minutes, or even 30-60 minutes, can help alleviate stress and allow busy women (and men) to be better rested and more focused! Lastly, taking time to focus on yourself is not a selfish act. It has tremendous health benefits that will keep you well and allow you to take better care of your loved ones.

Hopefully, these wellness and health tips will help you to feel better and show up for the people in your life with a renewed body and spirit. Remember to refill yourself before attending the needs of others. We wish you the happiest Mother’s Day!

1 Uncapher, M.R., K. Thieu, M. & Wagner, A.D. “Media multitasking and memory: Differences in working memory and long-term memory” Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23: 483. Web.
2 Diekelmann, S and J. Bor. Nature Review NeuroScience. “The memory function of sleep” 11, pages 114–126 (2010) Web.

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