Innovative Approaches To Improve Your Workplace Wellness

Innovative Approaches To Improve Your Workplace Wellness
Workplace wellness is an important part of your overall healthy lifestyle. According to Huffpost Australia, the average person spends 13 years and 2 months of their lives working. That is a large portion of our lives that we may not be practicing the healthiest habits. Break rooms with celebratory cupcakes, sedentary desk life, not to mention stress on-site and away from your office as phones allow for 24/7 contact on work-related matters.

So how do we move towards wellness at work? Here are some tips:

Bio-hack your coffee

Bio-hack your cup of morning Joe

Biohacking is a term that means changes in your lifestyle to “bio-hack” the mind and body for optimal wellness and performance. How does biohacking apply to coffee? High-fat coffee is simply mixing organic brewed coffee with healthy fats. High-fat, carb-free coffee boosts energy levels and supports cognitive functions,  meaning you will be more energetic and have better focus!

How does bio-hacking your coffee work?

Adding oils or grass-fed butter to your coffee and omitting sugars is a method to keep your body burning fat. It is very popular in ketogenic diets and intermittent fasting where the body is burning fat all night and when you eat protein and carbohydrates when you wake, the body will switch from fat-burning. However, if you eat only fat for breakfast, you will be feeding and fueling your brain, since your brain is primarily fat. This can help improve focus and cognition, boost your energy, boost metabolism and build muscle.

Why grass-fed butter?

Grass-fed butter is high in a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. Studies show that butyrate can reduce inflammation and help with intestinal health. (1) Grass-fed butter is also higher in omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A, K, D, and E, antioxidants, and CLA.

Bio-hacked coffee recipe


  • 8-12 oz. of brewed organic coffee – do not boil
  • 1-2 tablespoons grass-fed unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon


Mix all ingredients in a blender until it is frothy. Enjoy!

Revamp Your Lunch Routine

Revamp your lunch routine

One of the easiest ways to adopt healthier habits at work is to pack yourself a nutritious lunch. It can save time and money plus you are in control of your own calorie intake and nutrition. However, week after week of the same old packed lunch can leave some feeling bored and demotivated. Sometimes nutrition is compromised due to time constraints and lack of creativity.  But maybe you just need to boost a certain part of lunch to meet your goals, whether it be dietary changes or weight loss challenges?

Why pack your own lunch for work?

  • It’s more economical – leaving extra money for the occasional splurge.
  • You control the portions, calorie content, and amount of salt and sugar.
  • You can pack your lunch for your life, if you need more energy you can add more carbs.
  • It is comforting – a reminder of Mom and Dad packing your lunch when you were a kid.
  • You can create variety from day to day – salad one day and quinoa bowl the next.
  • When you do eat out, it is a special treat, because you had healthier options all week.

Here are a few great tips on making a healthy and exciting lunch:

  • Make sure the lunch is balanced with vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and whole grains.
  • Protein + Fiber will help keep you feeling full.
  • Salad in a Jar can be a fun way to squeeze in those extra veggies and good fats.
  • Take those dinner leftovers and pour over some brown rice in a bowl for a welcome change.
  • Add dark chocolate – it has lots of antioxidants and can curb your sweet tooth.
  • Keep spices like sea salt, pepper, chili flakes, and hot sauce at your desk to add a pop to your meals.
  • Take your lunch outside instead of eating at your desk – refreshing your lunch routine and taking a true break from the workplace – find a nearby park or outdoor area to enjoy the moment.
  • Spend some time on Pinterest – check out our Workplace Wellness board for tips on healthy lunchbox ideas.
  • Try part of your meal in a protein-rich smoothie – we carry a range of protein powders!
  • Add fruit-infused water to your lunch to add extra flavor in a healthy way.
  • Brew your favorite tea the night before to add antioxidants to your meal.

Whatever you decide to do, re-think your lunch at work and re-vamp your routine. It can help boost your mood, encourage healthier eating habits, and the energy boost can help you stay mentally alert the rest of the day.

Active + Rest = More Energy at Work

Active + Rest = more energy at work

We all know that short spurts of activity followed by rest have been shown to help improve productivity and health in the workplace. But where to start? Power walks and power naps can be the answer, along with a protein boost for energy.

Spending a few minutes each day boosting your energy and taking a break can make the difference between a day well spent and one that drags along.

Power walking is done at a brisk pace during a short duration – 15 minutes can make a difference during lunch hour. It is also done using both the legs and arms, as they are swung back and forth as you move forward.

Power walking benefits

  • a cardio activity
  • a stress-buster
  • a way to increase endurance
  • an aid to weight loss.

Tired from work and need a break? Don’t head towards the office snack machine, instead boost your mental alertness by taking a power nap – a short nap of about 15-20 minutes right at your desk!

Power nap benefits

  • Help with sleep deprivation
  • Improve decision-making skills
  • Enhance creativity
  • Increase motor performance
  • Boost memory
  • Boost energy

After power walking and napping, a protein snack is the next best way to recharge at work.  A protein snack can boost energy and help bridge the gap from meal to meal. Protein bars are a great choice at work since they are easy to keep in your desk when hunger strikes.

Put some power into your productivity at work for a healthier and more energetic day at the office.
Is Standing At Work Good For You?

Standing desk or not?

Not too long ago, the concept of standing through the workday, or for at least half of it, became popular. Sitting became something to avoid in our increasingly sedentary lives, especially while working where most people spend much of their time.  It made sense because standing burns more calories than sitting, however, was this an answer to wellness?

It is not news that many Americans spend much of their time sedentary and that is not good for us. So standing while working seemed like a good idea at the time. However, according to Dr. Jos Verbeek, a health researcher at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, standing at work is more of a trend than a health benefit.

While sitting too much has been proven to cause health issues including heart failure and disability risks, standing more may not decrease these risks as we assumed. And while standing will burn more calories than sitting, it’s not as much as people thought.

Ultimately, being active on a regular basis, moving rather than stationary changes will reap the most health benefits.  Dr. Verbeek points out that placing communal office equipment, such as the office printer, in places where people need to walk to get to may end up being a healthier alternative to simply standing at a desk.(2)

1 Chen, Angus. “Stand To Work If You Like, But Don’t Brag About The Benefits”  17 Mar 2016.

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