5 Healthy Summer Foods

5 Healthy Summer Foods
Summer means hotter days and the return of the cool, refreshing summer foods we know and love.  Summer is also a time when we are more active and healthier eating habits come into play.  There are so many healthy summer foods that you can add to your cookout this year.

5 Foods For a Healthier Summer

Here are our top five healthy foods for summer:


These tiny berries are packed with antioxidants and can reduce muscle fatigue after that long hike.

Tart Cherries

Every summer can use a cherry pie!  Studies show that tart cherries help support better sleep, rev up fat burning and decrease fat storage.  If you are not a fan of the fruit or juice, you can still reap the benefits from tart cherries in a supplement form.


The smell of fresh tomatoes screams summer.  They also contain a carotenoid called lycopene.  Lycopene is what gives tomatoes their red color.  It has also been shown to help protect against sunburn, a definite plus on a sunny day!


Packed with phytonutrients and antioxidants, this fiber-rich vegetable acts as a diuretic.  This can help reduce bloating in your tummy which makes it a bikini saver on the beach!


Hydration in the heat is extremely important. Being hydrated helps keep your memory sharp; being dehydrated can impact mood.  Water isn’t the only way to stay cool and refreshed during the summer months, watermelon is also a great alternative.  Not only is watermelon 92% water, but it also contains lycopene and offers the same sunburn protection as tomatoes. Enjoy it right off the rind or try watermelon water.

Watermelon Water Recipe

Add 4 cups of cold water and 3 cups of seeded watermelon to a blender.

Blend until smooth, add 6 cups of cold water, and sweeten with coconut sugar or maple syrup as needed.

Garnish with lime wedges and enjoy!

5 Healthy Summer Foods

Healing Spices of the Summer

Too hot this summer? There are herbs and spices that help cool the body naturally making hot days more bearable. Add them to your summer food or cocktails.


Mint is a cooling herb that is easy to grow. Add it to your lemonade or a salad. Chew on the herb for fresh breath. Mint also soothes indigestion and stomach inflammation. It also supports normal digestion and can be used if nausea or experiencing motion sickness when traveling.


Cumin seeds have been used since ancient times to help the digestive system. Cumin can cool the body, aid detoxification, and help with gas and bloating. Cumin has antiseptic properties, which can provide sore throat relief. Cumin is rich in iron and contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium.


In Ayurvedic medicine, coriander is considered one of the top cooling spices. Coriander derives from the seed of the cilantro plant. Coriander is often used to flavor meat or vegetables. Coriander eases digestion and supports normal blood sugar metabolism.


Fennel seed is a cooling spice and is especially good for summertime meals. Fennel has traditionally been used for digestion and reducing acid reflux. Chewing on fennel seeds before or after a meal can freshen breath and help stimulate intestinal juices. Fennel seeds also contain vitamin C, potassium, manganese, iron, folate, and fiber.

Lemongrass and Lemon Balm

Lemongrass and lemon balm dilate the pores so heat can be released. Lemongrass has antimicrobial properties and supports normal blood circulation. Lemongrass and lemon balm are also both excellent insect repellent. Lemon balm has calming properties and can be used for headaches, relaxation, and cramping due to menstruation.
Summer Detox

Summer Detox

Talk of bikini weather approaches and often the talk of a cleanse comes along with it. Detoxification may help with weight loss but it is not the purpose of it. Detoxing the body means getting rid of the toxins that build up in the body over time, which includes environmental toxins and smoking. It also means the toxins that are in our foods and drinks, as well as the products we are exposed to day in and day out.

By taking part in a cleanse every once and a while, your body and mind can feel clear, your immune system will get a boost, and your skin will glow. Your energy and focus will also increase with a good detox.

One of the best parts of summer is that fresh fruits are in season, and many contain loads of antioxidants and nutrients to detoxify.


Watermelon is known to reduce toxicity and acid in fat cells, helps to remove ammonia from the body, and is high in fiber to keep the colon clean. Watermelon also contains glutathione, which is the body’s best antioxidant and detoxifying agent.


Cucumber is a refreshing and high-water content food and helps to flush toxins from the body.


Lemons stimulate the liver and help to restore balance to the body’s pH. Lemons also stimulate bile production and cleanse the kidneys.


Blueberries are packed with antioxidants and have antiviral properties that help block toxins from crossing the blood-brain barrier.


Avocados contain glutathione to detoxify toxins and are a great base to smoothies.

Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are not only high in soluble and insoluble fibers, but also contain plant-derived omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

Summer is an excellent time to enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables of summer while cleansing your body of the everyday toxins that are stored in fat cells. Drinking iced green tea or lemon water can also be a refreshing way to detoxify during the summer months. Adding raw honey, cinnamon, garlic, or apple cider vinegar to your foods will also encourage a natural detox while boosting the immune system with antibacterial properties.