Natural Brain Boosters: Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals That Enhance Focus in Kids

natural brain boosters for kids

The back-to-school season is right around the corner. This transition can be stressful for both parents and students. One of the best ways to set your child up for a successful, focused school year is to make sure they’re getting proper brain nutrition.

Certain vitamins, minerals, herbs and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to sharpen concentration, enhance memory and boost academic performance. Getting these key nutrients from whole foods is ideal, but supplements can help fill any gaps.

Read on to learn about science-backed supplements that can improve cognition, so your child can better retain information and thrive in the classroom. We’ll discuss omega-3s, B vitamins, zinc, bacopa and an all-in-one formula.



One of the most researched supplements for boosting brain power are omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are a type of healthy polyunsaturated fat that play a critical role in cognitive function and brain health. The long-chain omega-3s EPA and DHA are particularly important. These fats are the primary structural components of brain cell membranes. Getting adequate omega-3s helps maintain fluidity in brain cell membranes, supporting efficient neurotransmitter function and nerve signaling.

Omega-3s also have anti-inflammatory effects in the brain. Chronic inflammation has been associated with reduced cognition and memory impairment. The EPA and DHA in omega-3 supplements can help suppress this detrimental inflammation.

Studies show supplementing omega-3s may improve several aspects of cognitive performance. In school-age children and adolescents, omega-3 supplementation has been found to boost focus, attention, memory, learning and overall academic performance. Omega-3s help enhance blood flow to the brain to provide more oxygen, glucose and nutrients for optimal cognition.

For supporting brain health and cognitive function in kids, the best sources of omega-3s are fish oil and algal oil supplements. Aim for at least 500 mg daily of combined DHA and EPA. Fish oil provides preformed DHA and EPA, while algal oils supply a sustainable vegetarian source of DHA. Make sure to choose quality-tested products free of heavy metals and contaminants.

Providing your child with ample omega-3s from supplements or diet may help sharpen their ability to concentrate, learn and thrive this school year. Continued intake can support focus, memory and brain health long-term as well.


B Vitamins

In addition to omega-3s, B vitamins play important roles in keeping the brain functioning at its best. Getting adequate B vitamins supports mental energy, focus, memory and concentration – key factors for success in school.

B vitamins help produce and regulate neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers that transmit signals between brain cells. They also help build phospholipids, a major component of neuron cell membranes.

Certain B vitamins are particularly important for cognition and academic performance:

  • Folate (vitamin B9) helps metabolize neurotransmitters like serotonin and produce new red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the brain. Studies link higher folate intake with better school test scores and grades in children.
  • Vitamin B6 impacts neurotransmitter activity and brain cell membrane fluidity. Several studies have shown B6 supplementation can boost cognitive function.
  • Vitamin B12 is needed for myelin sheath regeneration and red blood cell production. Low B12 levels are associated with decreased cognition in kids.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) may improve memory, focus and concentration by supporting optimal neurotransmitter activity.

Since we get B vitamins from a variety of foods, taking a daily B-complex supplement can help ensure your child is getting adequate amounts of these important brain nutrients. For kids, seek a dose within the recommended daily intake range – about 1-2mg of most B vitamins.

Good food sources of B vitamins include eggs, beef, fish, leafy greens, nuts, legumes and dairy. Offer your child a balanced diet with these foods, along with a quality B-complex supplement for optimal daily B vitamin intake.



In addition to B vitamins, the mineral zinc is essential for cognitive function and brain health. Ensuring your child gets enough zinc can help support their ability to think, learn and focus throughout the busy school day.

Zinc plays numerous roles in brain cell activity and development. This mineral helps regulate synaptic transmissions between neurons. It also preserves the blood-brain barrier, protects neurons from oxidative damage, and facilitates neuron communication.

Multiple studies have uncovered the importance of zinc for cognition, especially in children. School-aged kids with lower zinc levels tend to have poorer focus, academic performance, and cognitive test scores. Supplementing zinc has been shown to improve attention, working memory, and reasoning skills.

For cognitive benefits, zinc picolinate is the preferred supplemental form. Provide your child with 10-30mg of supplemental zinc picolinate per day. The RDA for zinc is lower, but this dose has been used safely in studies for young people.

Good food sources of zinc include oysters, beef, chicken, nuts, seeds, legumes, yogurt and cheese. However, a supplement can help ensure optimal daily zinc intake for brainpower.

By supplying your child with sufficient zinc, you can help support healthy neuron function for sharpened cognition and academic achievement. Continue monitoring food sources and supplementation as needed.



For enhancing memory, concentration and learning, the herb bacopa is an excellent option to consider. Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy that has been used for centuries to boost brainpower. Modern research has confirmed its brain-boosting abilities.

Bacopa contains active compounds called bacosides that positively modulate neurotransmitters in the brain. These include acetylcholine, serotonin, GABA and dopamine – chemicals involved in cognitive processes like memory formation and retention.

Multiple studies confirm bacopa can improve cognition in children and adolescents. Bacopa supplementation has been shown to enhance memory, attention, focus and information processing speed. It does this by activating specific brain antioxidant systems and neuron communication pathways.

Some people use bacopa as a more natural substitute for medications like Adderall. Though not as immediately stimulatory, bacopa may provide similar benefits for concentration, focus and learning ability over time.

For most cognitive benefits, choose a standardized bacopa extract with at least 45% bacosides. Give your child around 300 mg daily. Bacopa is safe for kids, but can sometimes cause mild digestive upset. Start with a lower dose and work up slowly.

Adding this traditional botanical supplement can help optimize your child’s memory, comprehension and focus. Bacopa works synergistically with omega-3s, B vitamins and zinc for optimal learning capacity and academic edge.


OptiMag Neuro

In addition to individual supplements, certain formulas combine key brain-boosting nutrients for convenient cognitive support. One quality product to consider is OptiMag Neuro by Xymogen.

OptiMag Neuro contains a blend of magnesium, acetyl-L-carnitine, choline, phospholipids, Ginkgo biloba, and calcium. This combination provides well-researched compounds that offer a variety of cognitive benefits.

The magnesium helps relax the mind, while also supporting focus and memory. Acetyl-L-carnitine optimizes energy production in brain cells. Choline is a component of acetylcholine, a key memory and learning neurotransmitter.

Phospholipids and Gingko biloba enhance blood flow and nutrient delivery to the brain. The Gingko also stimulates release of acetylcholine.

Together, these ingredients can sharpen concentration, mood, and energy levels while protecting the brain from oxidative damage. The manufacturers recommend 1-6 capsules per day, depending on age.

OptiMag Neuro offers many of the same advantages as individual supplements – in just one product. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider to determine if this formula could benefit their focus and academic achievement.


Send Them Back to School Ready to Learn and Succeed

Maintaining focus and cognitive edge throughout long school days can be challenging for students. Using supplements that provide omega-3s, B vitamins, zinc, bacopa and other nootropics can give your child’s brain power a valuable boost.

Always speak with a pediatrician before providing any new supplement to your child. Together you can determine safe doses based on their age, diet and particular needs.

Giving your child’s growing mind the right fuel will help set them up for academic success. Proper nutrition provides the building blocks to support learning, memory, test-taking, and getting top grades. These brain-nourishing supplements are a simple way to help your child thrive in the classroom this year and beyond.

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