Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. Six Flavor Teapills. Six Flavor Rehmanni. These are all names for the same classic Chinese herbal formula Qian Yi (1032-1113 A.D.) created for pediatric use.  After a thousand years it continues to bloom.  However modern practitioners find uses for Liu Wei Di Huang Wan well beyond the original intent. Qian Yi would be amused to know it is very popular in China to support aging in the over 50 set!

Modern Uses

Today, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is used for:

  • menopause symptoms
  • prostate functions
  • blood sugar
  • high blood pressure
  • tinnitus
  • sore low back
  • hyperthyroidism
  • fertility
  • adrenal fatigue
  • chemotherapy side effects

At first glance, this modern use seems random. However, many conditions lead back to the roots of health: Kidney Yin and Jing. These are the restorative components of Kidney energy. Cooling and regenerative, if they are drained, health is significantly affected. Here are some ways Kidney Yin/Jing get drained:

  • any kind of stress
  • irregular meals
  • late nights
  • partying
  • drug abuse
  • overexertion
  • overwork

Case Studies

Let’s go into the clinic and look at four patients. We will see how their Kidney Yin and Jing became damaged and what lifestyle changes they can make to address that.


Janice taught Jazzercise for 15 years and still works out 3-5 times a week. She was recently diagnosed by her primary care physician with osteoporosis. Small and thin, she has the classic “at-risk” build. She is menopausal and experiences insomnia. She carries around a water bottle and uses the restroom whenever possible. When asked one of the usual Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) questions “Do you have fatigue?” she replies “I like to keep busy, I have too much energy!”.

TCM says overwork and overexercising hurts the Kidney. In TCM, the Kidney rules the bones and these are in turn compromised by over exercise. Western science supports this TCM statement. Studies show over exercising is linked to osteoporosis (2). Janice’s other symptoms are associated with Kidney Yin burnout. Think of Kidney Yin as a cooling, soothing element that allows for settling and composure. Her sense of “too much energy” and insomnia is a lack of settling and, in time, could turn into deep fatigue .

Lifestyle Changes

Janice should take Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. A study from 2013 shows this formula helps bone density in cases of osteoporosis(3). She needs to stop doing Jazzercise. High impact exercise compromises weak bones and overexercising further depletes estrogen (2). Estrogen depletion is linked to osteoporosis. Activities that increase bone density are Tai Chi and weight-bearing exercises(4).


Howard is somewhat paunchy and definitely middle-aged. After a stressful divorce two years ago, he has found love. He spends his days as a computer programmer. By his own admission, it’s a stressful job and requires sitting doing concentrated work for most of the day. Under constant deadlines, Howard hurries through lunch eating at his desk. He is usually tired and can’t remember the last time he wasn’t. A recent blood test shows that he has a pre-diabetic blood sugar profile.

Howard’s TCM Kidney energy suffers from both mental overwork and stress. His job is ongoing stress and divorce is one of the top stressors. Although his divorce was two years ago, stress damage remains in the body. Howard’s Kidney depletion manifests in fatigue and high blood sugar. In TCM Diabetes is considered a condition of the Kidney. Western science studies show sitting too much puts a person at risk for diabetes (5).

Lifestyle Changes

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan helps balance high blood sugar and is effective in treating Diabetes Type II (1)(6). Howard will be be sure to take his herbs. To decrease stress he is going to take real lunch breaks away from the office with his phone turned off. To offset sitting damage and regulate blood sugar, Howard will take mini breaks and a half an hour walk daily(5). Traditional Chinese Medicine warns the aging man to be moderate with sexual activity. Too much can be harmful. If the body is not given time to recover health is compromised. At 50 Howard should be having sex only every 10 days (7).


Danny is back from a tour of military duty. He seems restless and has a hard time sitting still. Two red blotches on his cheeks give him a boyish look. His chief complaint is tinnitus and little dizziness. Later he admits to anxiety and trouble sleeping. “When I’m trying to sleep,” he says rubbing his chest “I can feel my heart beating. Is that normal?”

Given his back story, Danny’s symptoms can fall under the modern category of PTSD. In TCM terms, all of his symptoms can be attributed to Kidney Yin damage. Physical work accompanied by chronic stress, fear and shock is hard on Kidney Yin. The physical and emotional roots of a human being are drained past easy recovery. In his case, the heat that should be anchored is up in his head. The floating up of heat causes palpitations and once in the head all the other symptoms. Once Kidney Yin is restored it can help relax, repair and re-balance the out of place heat.

Lifestyle Changes

Danny and Liu Wei Di Huang Wan will be good friends. In addition to acupuncture (8) there are other options to help PTSD symptoms. Transcendental Meditation (TM) reduces stress hormones. TM engages the Parasympathetic Nervous System and calms the Sympathetic Nervous System. The body biology shifts from “Flight or Fight”to “Rest and Relax”. A study shows 84% of a group of meditators reduced or stopped their prescribed psychotropic medications (9). Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) has proven effective with veterans who have PTSD. TRE shakes out the trauma stored in the body, primarily in the Psoas muscle. Once learned from a certified teacher, it can be practiced at home. (10)


Estelle is a dedicated professional in her mid-thirties. She has worked as a night nurse in the neonatal unit at a local hospital for 8 years. This year she has had low back and knee soreness. Although it’s not keeping her from doing her job, she doesn’t want it to get worse. She feels overheated at the end of her shift and tired, but has an increasingly difficult time getting to sleep. Recently she has noticed her hair does not grow as fast as it did and she is collecting more from her brush.

Lifestyle Changes

Night shifts are hard on the system and especially on Kidney Yin. Estelle’s symptoms indicate her Kidney Yin has been hurt. The night is Yin time and sleep is best. The day is Yang’s time, calling for wakefulness and activity. When the natural Yin Yang rhythms of the day are not followed health is compromised. Science shows night shift workers are vulnerable to more health risks than the day shift.(11)

Of course, Estelle will take Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. She is requesting a change to the day shift. Regular meals will support her energy so that she won’t be dipping into Kidney Qi to keep going. One of the risks of any night work is exposure to blue light. Blue light can affect sleep and hormones(12). Estelle can’t do anything about the lights at the hospital. However, computers are another source of blue light that can be adjusted with a program called f.lux (13). She is talking to her supervisor about having f.lux installed on all the computers in her unit.

Nourish to Restore

Each of these patients shows different signs caused by Kidney Yin and Jing loss. The range of symptoms from tinnitus to weak bones to blood sugar to sleep and beyond speaks to the wide influence of Kidney Yin.

There are some measures you can take to preserve your Yin before symptoms arise. Regular balanced meals allow the body to receive nutrition, while excessive skipping of meals dips into stored energy reserves. Get enough sleep. It is during sleep that body repairs itself. Getting to bed before midnight is recommended. Finally, cultivate a moderate lifestyle.

In addition, each can be effectively helped with Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. Use Liu Wei Di Huang Wan according to the specific product recommendation unless directed otherwise by your health care practitioner. Combine with Bao He Wan is you have weak digestion or experience loose stools or loss of appetite. Do not use it if you are taking cold medicines.

Use herbs wisely

If you have questions, special considerations or are pregnant, consult with your practitioner. If symptoms worsen or you have concerns, contact your practitioner.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1 REHMANNIA SIX FORMULA, Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D, ITM Online,
2 Overtraining and Osteoporosis, Web MD
3 Liuwei Dihuang Wan, A Traditional Chinese Medicinal Formula, Protects Against Osteoporosis, Sun H, Li L, Zhang A, Zhang N, Sun W, et al. (2013), Pharmaceut Anal Acta 4: 226. doi:10.4172/2153-2435.1000226
4 A randomized, prospective study of the effects of Tai Chi Chun exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, K. Chan et al, May 2004, NCBI
5 Breaking Up Prolonged Sitting Reduces Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Responses, David W. Dunstan, PHD et al, Diabetes Care, May 2012
6 Researches of Treatment for Diabetes with Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Dr Chin g Ching Chi PHD, June 26th, 2013,
7 The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Giovanni Maciocia, page 138
8 Acupuncture For Military PTSD Found Effective, Dec, 2014
9 Meditation Reduces Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms,  Christopher Bergland, Psychology Today , Jan 2016
10 TRE® for Military, Vets and PTSD
11 Epidemiology of urinary melatonin in women and its relation to other
hormones and night work. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention: a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 13(6), 936-43.and myocardial infarction: a case-control study. Occup Environ Med, 56(1), 46-50.
Schernhammer, E.S., Rosner, B., Willett, W.C., Laden, F., Colditz, G.A., & Hankinson, S.E. (2004)
12 f.lux