Anti-Aging Trends in Wellness

Anti-aging Trends in Wellness

Anti-aging or longevity practices have been used since ancient times.  Longevity means long life and comes from the Latin word longaevitās.  In the United States, the average life expectancy is 79 years old.  Longevity is attributed to genetics, habits, mindset, and environment.  A few ways to lengthen your lifespan include eating right, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.  Some people practice intermittent fasting as well as it has been found to extend your lifespan as well as improve your quality of life.  Stress management and abstaining from smoking and overindulging in alcoholic beverages are also part of longevity techniques.  Here are some anti-aging trends to give you a longevity boost through the foods you eat, anti-aging skincare, and adaptogens.

Anti-aging foods

Anti-Aging Trends in Wellness


Bitter melon

Bitter melon, also known as Momordica charantia), studies have shown that this vine, originally from India and some Asia countries, has antioxidant, cell protection, and anti-melanogenic activities. Bitter melon is commonly known as bitter gourd, karela, and goya.

Bitter melon contains potent antioxidant compounds that may help protect your cells against damage, including catechin, gallic acid, epicatechin, and chlorogenic acid.

Bitter melon anti-aging benefits include:

  • Supports normal blood sugar levels – bitter melon contains charatin and polypeptide-p
  • May decrease cholesterol levels, according to studies.
  • Fights slow and stops breast cancer cells, according to a study from Saint Louis University
  • They are nutrient-dense – packed with phytonutrients and vitamins C, A, and E and B vitamins, potassium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.
  • You can eat bitter melon raw or cooked; it is typically pan-fried, steamed, and baked.

Seaweed and algae

Seaweed has been a staple in many people’s diets since prehistoric times. Seaweed is simply algae or marine plants that grow near the rocky coast. Types of seaweed include red seaweed (Rhodophyta), green seaweed (Chlorophyta), brown (Phaeophyceae), and blue-green. Edible seaweeds include dulse, kombu, wakame, kelp sea lettuce, nori, arame, and chlorella. Seaweed is an iodine-rich food.

Benefits of eating seaweed and algae include:

  • Supports heart health, including reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • It contains an antioxidant that may help improve glucose management
  • Boosts immune health
  • May reduce cancer risk, more studies are needed
  • Nutrient-dense including vitamins A, C, and E and iodine

Anti-Aging Trends in WellnessSkincare for anti-aging

Skin microbiome

When you think of probiotics, you may think of your gut instead of your skin. However, there is a unique microbiome (microbes) in your skin.  These microbiomes regulate inflammation and help protect us against pathogens.  Since skin is the largest organ in the body, it is constantly exposed to physical, bacterial, chemical, and fungal challenges.

Using probiotics and skin therapies has also been helpful when treating eczema, atopic dermatitis, acne, allergic inflammation, and UV-induced skin damage.

Keeping your skin microbiome balanced is the key to skin health.  A healthy gut microbiome helps your skin heal faster, reduces allergens, reduces UV damage, reduces inflammation, and makes your skin glow.  Imbalances can lead to skin conditions such as dermatitis, acne, rosacea, eczema, and fungal infections.  Poor gut health can also increase inflammation, cause thinning and wrinkling and increase sun damage and oxidative stress.

Balance your skin microbiome by:

  • Avoid overusing anti-bacterial soaps, which can throw your microbiome off balance
  • Add probiotic-rich foods (fermented or containing active and live cultures) to your diet, including yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, gouda, sourdough bread, kombucha, and apple cider vinegar
  • Prebiotics found in high-fiber-carbohydrate plant foods including oatmeal, oat milk, yams, asparagus, apples, leeks, and jicama

Japanese indigo

Japanese indigo botanical contains two compounds, tryptanthrin, and indirubin. Tryptanthrin is a nitrogen-rich compound that flushes away irritants, and Indirubin is an active isometric compound that supports your skin’s natural barrier function. The use of Japanese indigo for skincare goes back centuries for itchy skin. It is often called “Samurai Blue” because Samurai warriors wore indigo cloth beneath armor during Japan’s Edo period to help their skin heal when injured.


Using a good sunscreen that protects our skin from UV rays is crucial to avoiding skin damage. A good sunscreen should have an SPF of 15 or higher, be water-resistant, and provide broad-spectrum protection.

Anti-aging benefits of sunscreen include protection against photo-aging, including wrinkles, skin spots, and loss of elasticity that the sun’s ultraviolet radiation can cause.

Sun protection is the best approach. However, sometimes a sunburn can occur, and when it does, here are a few tips for dealing with it:

  • Take frequent cool baths and showers
  • Use a moisturizer that contains aloe vera
  • Drink extra water
  • Don’t pop blisters if they form; allow them to heal.

Tremella Mushrooms

Tremella mushrooms are prized for their beautifying and healing properties, promoting a healthy complexion and youthful skin. Tremella can be used as an internal skin tonic. Tremella contains fiber, such as acidic polysaccharides, is rich in vitamin D, and has eighteen amino acids. Amino acids are vital in stimulating collagen production. It is traditionally used because:

  • Is anti-inflammatory
  • It helps the skin retain moisture
  • Provides flexibility and flattening effects – preventing wrinkles.


Collagen is a protein responsible for the skin, tendons, and cartilage in the body.  Collagen with hyaluronic acid has been shown to strengthen skin and elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  Collagen peptide is a pure herbal extract with natural anti-aging skin benefits.

Age Like a ProAdaptogens

Herbal adaptogen

Ever wonder why some people age quicker than others?  How can we slow the aging process?  TCM approaches these questions by identifying the underlying causes of aging.  Stress, lack of sleep, and diet can all contribute to an imbalance of stress hormones.   Environmental toxins also take a toll on our body and skin, causing premature aging.

Herbal adaptogens help the body adapt to the strains of daily life and restore homeostasis, the biological process which maintains stability and adjusts to changes in the body.  In addition, they also support cell metabolism and the immune system – both essential factors in aging.

Anti-aging adaptogens include:

  • ginseng
  • cordyceps
  • Rhodiola
  • holy basil
  • astragalus
  • ashwagandha
  • turmeric
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • royal jelly
  • green tea

Many of these herbs reduce inflammation, boost immune system functions, improve circulation, and fight free radicals.

Stress Adaptogens

Stress adaptogens, such as ashwagandha and holy basil, help reduce the effects of stress and lower cortisol levels.

The Chaga mushroom is a well-known skin adaptogen, used in Russia and Scandinavia for its high antioxidant value and anti-aging properties.  Chaga is a source of melanin, a color pigment found in human skin which helps protect us from UV rays found in sunlight.  Chaga can also improve circulation and reduce inflammation, helping skin look youthful and healthy.

Rhodiola Rosea

There is the historical use of Rhodiola Rosea going back to ancient Greek times and by the Vikings, Ancient China, and Siberia. The name “Rhodiola Rosea” was named in 1725 by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus.

Rhodiola Rosea was traditionally used for therapeutic and rejuvenating properties, boosting endurance and strength, cold and flu, fertility, and headaches. Modern studies show that Rhodiola may decrease the number of catecholamines and corticosteroids (stress hormones) in the body. This herb also has shown to help support normal glucocorticoid levels in the body, which are involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

In addition, Rhodiola Rosea health benefits include:

  • Alleviate occasional fatigue
  • Reduce moodiness
  • Alleviate headache
  • Energizing properties
  • Boosts athletic performance
  • Decreases depression
  • Reduces stress
  • Supports cognitive ability, including memory, associative thinking, and concentration

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